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Welder Qualification – Structural Steel Welding

The Australian Standard for Structural steel welding (AS1554.1 Sec allows welders to be qualified by one of the following standards: ·         AS 1796 – Certification of welders and welding supervisors ·         AS/NZS 2980 – Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels ·         AS/NZS 3992 – Pressure

Difference between Cobots and Robots?

Robots can seriously hurt people in the way of its movements. Hence, extensive safety measures are required to ensure that people and robots are separated when the robot is in operation. Contrary to this, cobots, if obstructed will stop due to the inbuilt safety features.

Are You Aware of the Requirements for Structural Steel Construction?

The much-awaited Australian Standard AS/NZS 5131 was released in December 2016 and sets out the minimum requirements for the construction of structural steelwork involving fabrication, corrosion protection, erection and modification. Before the release of this Standard, Australia did not have a dedicated Standard for fabrication and erection


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